Akki hittina Happala / Rice flour papad (instant)



1 cup rice flour

2 cups water

1 tsp salt / as per taste

3-4 crushed green chillies / red chilli flakes

2 tsp cumin seeds/ jeera

2 tsp oil to grease the mould


  • Put rice flour in a broad bowl and add water. Mix well , so that no lumps are formed,
  • Add salt,jeera,chillies and mix again. Keep aside for 10 mins
  • Heat the idli staeamer  and grease the container in which you are going to staem it.
  • You can use any lid  or deep plate  or thatte idli mould.
  • You can steam it in a dosa pan too, which is deep in the middle.
  • Please check the video for the consistency of the batter.
  • Put a laddle full of batter in the mould and steam it for 2 mins or till the colour of papad changes
  • Remove it from the steamer and put the other one to steam.
  • Remove the papad from the plate carefully and place it on a big tray or on a cloth and sun dry it .
  • You can also dry it inside under the fan if you don't have the place to sundry it.
  • Within a day or two it dries. Deep fry the happala / papad and enjoy with hot coffee or tea.


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